Sunday, 16 de February de 2025 ISSN 1519-7670 - Ano 25 - nº 1325

Post supera o Times em acessos online graças ao Instant Articles

O site Digiday publicou um artigo afirmando que o jornal The Washington Post conseguiu ter mais acessos em sua página web do que o seu concorrente The New York Times graças ao uso intensivo do aplicativo Instant Articles, da rede social Facebook.

É a primeira vez que o Times, que sempre liderou o ranking de acessos entre os jornais de prestígio nos Estados Unidos é superado pelo segundo colocado, o Post.

O fenômeno está desafiando os estrategistas de ambos jornais e parece confirmar os prognósticos de que as plataformas tecnológicas de redes sociais tendem a absorver a distribuição de notícias jornalísticas. Os jornais seriam apenas produtores de conteúdos.

Segue-se um extrato do artigo publicado pelo Digiday:

A big factor in the Post’s audience growth is clearly social. Digital news outlets today can no longer assume readers will come to them, so they need a strong social distribution strategy to reach readers where they are. The Post has been aggressive in distributing its content far and wide, from Facebook Instant Articles to Apple News, and its numbers reflect that.

From May to October, the Post’s Facebook traffic rose from 43 percent to almost 50 percent of its social referrals, according to SimilarWeb, which measures desktop traffic. There was a big spike from May to June, when the Post’s Facebook visits jumped 19.3 percent, to 11.5 million. (Two viral hits in June helped make it the 20th-most-engaging publisher on Facebook, according to Newswhip.) Facebook traffic ticked up again from September to October, by 7.4 percent.

With social reading increasingly a mobile phenomenon, mobile is a big part of the story. The Post’s total audience grew 59 percent in the past year, according to comScore. But while the desktop audience grew just 6 percent, the mobile audience nearly doubled. The audience includes the Post’s mobile apps, which was a big focus this past year

Leia aqui o texto integral do artigo “How the Washington Post leapfroggued The New York Times in Web traffic”.